

Franklin, TN

Your Medium

Dimensional Acrylic Texture Painting

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Rochester, MI High School Holiday Show

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

The customers! The coordinators and the friendships I've made with them. They work hard and I appreciate their attention to detail. I also love the friendships I've made with other artists.

Best show ever and why

Krasl Art Fair and Ann Arbor Art Fair; great shows.

Worst show ever and why

A show in Grand Rapids, MI that took a lot of effort to do and the advertising and directons for customers were poor - no one could find us and we had only about 50 potential customers attend the show! Not so great, eh?! Live and learn and stay positive despite the circumstances!

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Don't recall