

Paducah, KY

Your Medium


Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Rhinebeck in 1977

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

Seeing the direct consumer react in the moment to the art work and hanging out with my artist neighbors!

Best show ever and why

Seattle area Freemont Solstice Fair. It is a fair that is filled with people who all want to be there... there are no husbands waiting outside of the booth with their hands in their pockets- there are no children tugging on mommies hands wanting to be somewhere else... we are all ther because we want to be!

Worst show ever and why

One of a Kind Show after they changed the format (two Years ago) Switching from an elegant and suberbly presented show of 220 artists to a cattle call Christmas show that was just hideously expensive.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

a tornado that made landfall at the show site while we were closing the back doors to the van... by the time my wife and I reached the front doors of the van we were soaked to the skin and the rain was so heavy that we couldn't even move the car from where it was parked for quite a while.

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  • Thanks so much, Michael, for your donation to our pledge drive. It is truly appreciated. Best wishes.
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