

Chesterfield, MO

Your Medium


Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

June 2010

What is your website?

https://in process

What are the best things about art fairs

when a purchase is made and you know people apprciate your work

Best show ever and why

Art in The Park, Columbia MO. sales were terriffic and a Gallery wanted to represent me.

Worst show ever and why

Shafley Brewing, not the right venue for my work.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Paul Zerjay

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  • Mark,


    You have some cool stuff. I was in the Westport show in Kansas City this fall and it went pretty well. It is only for those in a 50 mile radius of KC though. Also, was in a festival in Weston MO but it was pretty crafty, but good place to start. I notice you are in BOMH. I plan to apply for membership soon (before the Jan 15 deadline). Do you recommend that? I notice you had good luck with the Columbia show. I have thought about applying for that. I live in Blue Springs, MO. Used to live in Warrenton MO years ago.

  • Welcome to ArtFairInsiders.com, Mark. I'm pleased to see you here and look forward to having you as part of our community.

    When you have a chance, please add a photo to your profile and stop by the "Discussions" area to introduce yourself to the rest of us. We all look forward to your participation here. Also visit the "member map" and add your location. We have a lot to offer one another, experienced and newbie alike. Let's make this a dynamic site!

    Best wishes,
    Connie Mettler

    p.s. The best way to make this system easy to use is to click on the "Follow-Email me" link at the bottom of each Forum discussion that interests you. That way the system will email you automatically whenever anyone responds. It's a great time-saver.
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