

Woodstock, GA

Your Medium

Junk Market Style

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

The first show I did from a ownership role was the Woodstock Market & Show in Woodstock, Georgia. Our shows are held the first weekend of every month and our grand opening was May 2009.

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

The best things about shows are the artists and vendors. They become like an extended family and look after each other. It isn't possible to have good art without good people!

Best show ever and why

It was only our 3rd show and I sat down to talk to some ladies who were attending. They noticed my manager badge and said, "thank you for doing this for us...Woodstock needs something to call their own". Little did they know that is exactly how we felt. What greater compliment could you receive than this.

Worst show ever and why

The best show we've had to date was probably our 5th...but for me it was the worst because the week before the show I had unexpected back surgery and was not able to attend. It was like missing a special occassion with your family. I received phone calls and emails over the weekend from the artist and vendors but I really wish I could have been there with them to enjoy our largest show to date.