Greenville, MI
Greenville, MI
Your Medium
Years in the Art Fair Business
First show ever
Henry Ford II in sterling Heights, Mich
What are the best things about art fairs
Money and meeting the people that love your work! Also getting to know other very fine artists and promoters.
Best show ever and why
Northville, Michigan Handcrafters Because I sell Santa sculptures and so many people in that area loved my santas.
Worst show ever and why
I have done too many to remember...I try to forget and move on. The biggest reason a show is Horrible is the promoters don't even care to advertise.. Signs are needed far and wide. I hear so many times that if they hadn't recieved my mailing they would never have known of the show. I cannot stress SIGNS. If needed promoters need to attend the township monthly meeting and get a permit. When they take an artists money for a show they need to do everything possible to get that artist and all others the best possible attendance. Past History is not enough to get attendance.
Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.
Connie Mettler
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Best wishes,
Connie Mettler
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