Saint Louis, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Your Medium
Painting, Sculpture, Jewelry, Art Colony Owner
Years in the Art Fair Business
First show ever
Can't remember
What are the best things about art fairs
The other vendors, usually.
Best show ever and why
My friend Megan & I did a show together. I didn't make a ton of money or anything, but I love her so it was a happy time.
Worst show ever and why
I don't remember what the name was but it was a bit too early in the year and turned out to be FREEZING!! No one showed up and we all sat there FREEZING, until the end of the show. I ended up buying a couple things from the other vendors just to try and brighten someone's day.
Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.
I never left, except for at the end. Sorry that isn't funny, but it is true.
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