Bradenton, FL
Bradenton, FL
Your Medium
Jewelry Design, Glass Fusing, Silk Painting, Art Gallery Owner
Years in the Art Fair Business
First show ever
Fall 2005
What are the best things about art fairs
Selling your work, meeting new artists, seeing all the work other artists do, gaining new friends and new customers
Best show ever and why
Manatee Art Extravaganz, Bradenton, Florida, Nov 10-11, 2007, great sales.
Worst show ever and why
Crafts and Artisans Tampa/West Chase Lighting of the Tree, Art Show, Tampa, Florida. Dec 8-9 2006, hardly any sales, promoter did not advertise, hardly any customers, was not a fine arts show that it was billed as, was a crafts show, promoter hid from vendors the second day, because vendors were so mad at her. There was supposed to be a christmas parade, it consisted of a couple of vehicles and a fire truck. Sat in the freezing weather and got sick for nothing. Also True Bead True Blue, Tucson, Arizona, Jan 30-Feb 4, 2007. Promoter billed it as an Fine Arts Show, which it was, held during the annual bead show, problem was no one came to buy fine arts, they came to buy beads. It was a six day show, which cost me $3000.00 to get to Tucson from Florida, room, board, gas, inventory, etc., and I make $128.00 for the whole six day show. Again the promoter hid from the vendors because she knew they were all made at her. We were supposed to be in a mansion in downtown Tucson, she over booked and about 80 of us were in a large tent back in the parking lot, the customers did not even know we were there for two days, we complained so much they put up signs, we paid the same price as vendors inside the mansion. We sat in a tent in the winter in Tucson freezing, getting sick for no sales. It was terribly promoted.