

Buffalo, MO

Your Medium


Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

2001 - North Carolina clay guild show.

What are the best things about art fairs

Positive feedback about work, being able to finacially help my family, meeting other artists.

Best show ever and why

Mother's Day North Carolina Clay guild show - Charlotte NC. It was one day. People were there to purchase pottery and sculptures only. Sales were high and the show was extremely fast paced and packed with buyers.

Worst show ever and why

Ozark Christmas Village 2009 - Springfield, MO. Horrible. Worst promotion EVER. Not even signs to show where entrance was. The info promised thousands of Christmas shoppers - none showed because there were no ads anywhere.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Found on Best of Missouri Hands link from their website.