

Hebron, OH

Your Medium


Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Thornville Country Fair - 1987

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What are the best things about art fairs

interacting one on one with the customers and networking with other artists.

Best show ever and why

Backwoods Fest in Ohio. It was established approx 13 years ago and I have participated since the beginning. The producers did their homework and have put on a class show consistently for years. It is easy in and out, affordable and the "buying" crowds come rain or shine. This year we had over 50,000 in attendance for the 3 day show. Only downside - too much wholesale crap.

Worst show ever and why

One also held in Ohio on a private farm 2x a year. No longer in present location. Difficult and greedy promoter who didn't appreciate or try to accomodate her vendors.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

found through a search engine.

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  • Welcome to ArtFairInsiders.com, Carolyn. I'm pleased to see you here and look forward to having you as part of our community.

    When you have a chance, please stop by the "Discussions" area to introduce yourself to the rest of us. We all look forward to your participation here. Also visit the "member map" and add your location. We have a lot to offer one another, experienced and newbie alike. Let's make this a dynamic site!

    Best wishes,
    Connie Mettler

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