It's been said that we are about 2 months behind China in dealing with COVID-19. People in China are slowly getting back to normalcy. They are being cautious because of the possibility that the virus could come back if they interact in public too soo
I've been checking this and other platforms for any indication as to what people's thoughts might be on this topic. So far, no one has even mentioned the subject which, will have an enormous impact on us all.
Integrity Shows will be working with various artists to offer a series of online seminars for artists on a variety of subjects from Social Media Marketing to Hosting Studio Tours. In these days we all have to find additional ways to sell our art.
I'd just like to publicly thank Larry Berman for his time and expertise adjusting my booth shot. Larry, it looks great, just like it does in a show. The lighting and tone adjustments are wonderful. Thanks for getting it back to me within 24 hours.
I don't know exactly what I have, but they look buff (six fit across the back of a 10' pop-up so they're 18 or 20" wide), two-piece, and 7' tall. (I purchased them second-hand.)
I'm looking for a few more running feet so I have some extra options for
Shows are cancelling or rescheduling, but applications still have to be submitted. And for some artists that means needing new images. So for anyone hiring me to photograph their artwork or improve their images, I'll do 50% when the job is finished a
I want to seal the edges of cut Gatorfoam board with something to make it smooth. Has anyone done this? It has already been sanded, so is as smooth as mechanical means can make it. It is THICK board so those edges matter.
I am thinking about teaching jewelry making classes. Can anyone give me guidance on insurance to cover me in case someone burns themselves with a torch? I have ACT insurance for shows with my other business, but my sister and I would teach under a di
Are there any recent vendors for the Butchertown show in KY? The last mention is from five years ago - just wondering if there has been any growth in the show. Thanks!
Full set of flourish white Mesh Panels and Black Pro Gallery Covers with pole wraps/corner covers. Used five times. Mint Condition.
3 white mesh panels with door frame capability
3 solid black pro gallery covers
4 pole wraps/corner covers
I am applying for the st james court art show, yet there are 4 distinct sections to the show. I am ignorant of the show layout, certain parts of a show usually have a flavor, or focus, if you will. I make contemporary aluminum wall pieces.; which sec
Update: I am still looking for bins. I prefer the free standing in light grey in case anyone has them available. I am now back in Colorado. I am not expecting to use the bins anytime soon, but I am going to keep on the lookout. So keep me in mind
Winter Park just canceled. As the info comes in about refunding booth fees, I will post that when I know it. Or, someone else can if they get the word before I do.