we thank our wonderful pottery friend for giving us her caravan tent. today we took it outside and put it together. our problem -- by the time we zipped all the sides together, we lost inches so that we couldn't close the 'door' zipper (kinda like a pair of jeans 2 sizes too small - LOL). there must be a methodology on putting up velcro sides, zipping so that the old product of having the front door zipped close would also work.
please guide us! thanks!
we will do another 'practice' ==
do you velcro the top of the bars or the bottom? and what do you do about the front doors during the show? thanks for the information --
I place the velcro so that the bottom of the sides brush the ground. I haven't experienced a problem with the wind coming in from the bottom when zipped up.....yet.... re: the front, I just roll up the front into a neat roll while open for business and clip it to the frame. but once that puppy is zipped, I never unzip it all the way unless I absolutely need to do so.
I bought a new caravan tent and since the first day, have not been able to make the fourth side fit. So I bought an extra white tarp (12 x 12' online at Tarpaflex) and clamp it to the frame. You can buy inexpensive clamps (about $1.00 apiece) at Home Depot. Quick and easy, however its a shame that I have to do this at all.
I also have an old Caravan and I love it. The sides are just made too small. I always need about 3 more inches on all sides. I envy sides that actually zip all the way around! I use an old side and piece it together , and then clap it..
I try to get the front to line up with the sides and then piece together the back. Wish I knew where I could just buy the zippered sides but by the time you buy the sides, you might as well buy the new tent that comes with them at about the same price. Good luck.