I'm talking about that one person who made you speechless. C'mon, we've all had them.
For me it was another exhibitor! On a Sunday afternoon he came across the aisle and said he noticed how well I was doing and asked: "Where do you get your designs from?" After I realized he was serious, I told him the truth. "My alleged mind!"
I once had a person ask me with a straight face if I had any pictures of Dinosaurs!!
David - that's hilarious!!!
Should have told them you thought there was a guy at the far end of the show who had some ;-)
Great answer !!! Wish I had thought of that myself. With jewelry, I am constantly asked the same questions about my work, designs, what to get materials...oh and the big one "Would you teach ME how to make your jewelry ? I just want to make it for myself and my friends and family", yeah right !
I do mixed media paintings on wood and get "Are these cutting boards?" occasionally. Anything is a cutting board with the right attitude, friend.
People also used to ask me if my booth display stuff was for sale all of the time. I had to cut back to bare bones panels and bins because it annoyed me so much.
I've also been asked on several occasions if my display was for sale. I quote a price that is extremely high and told them they could pick it up after the show is over. No takers yet
One woman asked if we have a storefront. My husband answered, "Our kitchen table." She asked if it was open. He repeated his answer and she asked when it would be open. If we ever had a shop we might consider naming it Our Kitchen Table. Wait, that sounds like a restaurant!