Okay, I know it's only Monday and some of us are still reporting on what we did this past weekend. However, I look forward to hearing report about what is coming up.
This coming weekend is the last weekend before my first show this fall season. I'll be working on any final painting on pieces I am taking to my first show. I will also be finishing up adding coasters to my selections.
I want to get all the production finished by Sunday evening because we will need to figure out putting it in the trailer. The trailer won't be completely full because not all the furniture will be completed. Time is needed to configure putting in the furniture, boxes of painted goodies like bottles, bowls, vases, and candlesticks ... and I have 2-3 over-sized candlesticks so I am not sure about how to pack them. I may need to get packing boxes from a U-Haul place.
Since the week is early I may have to update what I am doing. I hope I can get most of the painting done early rather than later.
One weekend off then 6 shows in a row... it will be outrageously busy in the shop creating more inventory. I don't even drink (substitute a bowl of Gumbo in the IV)
I'm firing three kiln loads through this week and over the weekend. Started this morning at 6 am, glazing for the next one, then unloading the fired kiln load and glazing the second one.
I have a three day show the following weekend, Waterford, VA.
Busy, busy! Sounds like you will have plenty to take with you.