Running a little late here because people are already talking about this weekend in another thread ;(
What's up this weekend? I don't have a lot of information except to report in on myself. I'm heading to Milwaukee for the Lakefront Festival of Arts at the Milwaukee Art Museum tomorrow to see lots of old friends, chat up Oscar Linares and Jim Sincock, meet our featured artist Rebecca Hungerford and meet some enthusiastic art buyers who run their very own listing of art fairs for their friends, Ed and Judie Seidman. See you there too, Geri Wegner.
Ed, Judie and Geri participated in one of my favorite podcasts last year: Who is Buying at the Art Fairs and Why. Lots of great tips for artists on attracting buyers in this one.
Will you be there?
Forest fires are out in Colorado, Dick Sherer. Are you venturing out?
What are you doing this weekend?
We are at the Tennessee Creates Fine Art and Crafts Fair, part of the Secret City Festival in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. We are not too worried about getting rained out because it is an indoor event...and since it is less than ten minutes from home,we get to sleep in our own bed. We have a corner booth. I have uploaded the image of our display. This was a Friday-Saturday event so we finish tomorrow night.
I'll be in Manayunk, in Philly. Booth #25B. Did this last year as an Emerging Artist before I had any of my gear and tent. A lot has happened in a year!
We would love a Manayunk report. I've heard a lot of things over the years and would really be interested in a first hand report. Best wishes to you Teresa and Judy.
just submitted my short, good for artists that have low end functional items...not so good for fine art
La Jolla Festival of the Arts, La Jolla (San Diego) California.
I'll be in booth 903. That's the ninth row, there aren't that many booths really.
Gonna sssssstretch out my single booth setup into a faux-double booth since that's the space I got. Gotta get creative. Should be interesting.
Where is this show held in La Jolla? Have you done it before, Barbara?
Did it four years ago, and it was pretty mediocre then sales-wise, though a nice-looking show. Figured it was time to try again, but nothing much has changed. Booth fee's way too high, people are looking for bargains, fine art is a tough sell. I think I about broke even. Not sure how well Mistura did, they weren't on my row.
I'm doing Manayunk. First time, no idea what to expect.