I haven't missed this show since 1976! Either attending or exhibiting -- exhibited 1978-2006. Larry usually shows up too and we get together for dinner, drinks, visiting. Ruth is usually exhibiting, I think in the Guild Show on State Street.
There's a line in the acceptance form which asks for booth request information. Should I say something like "something not on spurs," or "in the main traffic flow." What's your opinion?
I seem to have messed up the thread on this discussion -- sorry if some replies were deleted, my error, not intentional.
Best choices in this order: N. University, Liberty, Maynard between Liberty and Thompson, Thompson between State and Maynard
Thanks Larry, Connie and Ruth. I've filled out my form using all your recommendations. Will any of you be at the show?
I haven't missed this show since 1976! Either attending or exhibiting -- exhibited 1978-2006. Larry usually shows up too and we get together for dinner, drinks, visiting. Ruth is usually exhibiting, I think in the Guild Show on State Street.
I guess the only place I wouldn't want to be is on Maynard between William and jefferson.
Larry Berman
There is a spur on Maynard south of William and another spur on Thompson south of Liberty that don't seem to get much traffic.
There's a line in the acceptance form which asks for booth request information. Should I say something like "something not on spurs," or "in the main traffic flow." What's your opinion?