
  • I seem to have messed up the thread on this discussion -- sorry if some replies were deleted, my error, not intentional.

  • Best choices in this order: N. University, Liberty, Maynard between Liberty and Thompson, Thompson between State and Maynard

    • Thanks Larry, Connie and Ruth. I've filled out my form using all your recommendations. Will any of you be at the show?

      • I haven't missed this show since 1976! Either attending or exhibiting -- exhibited 1978-2006. Larry usually shows up too and we get together for dinner, drinks, visiting. Ruth is usually exhibiting, I think in the Guild Show on State Street.

  • I guess the only place I wouldn't want to be is on Maynard between William and jefferson.

    Larry Berman

  • There is a spur on Maynard south of William and another spur on Thompson south of Liberty that don't seem to get much traffic.

    • There's a line in the acceptance form which asks for booth request information. Should I say something like "something not on spurs," or "in the main traffic flow." What's your opinion?

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