Anybody have experience with this show? It's in its 7th year, but I can't find much on it.
The only figures I've found so far show that the vendor count dropped from around 95 in 2010 and 2011 to around 56 in 2013. Don't know if that's a function of the economy or a reflection on the show, and it makes me REAL nervous!
Any input appreciated - thanks!
I just got a notice that Bill Kinney cancelled this year's show due to lack of artists.
I got the cancellation notice too...I read it as though the city wouldn't let them have as many artists as they needed to make the show profitable. My reading of it is based partly on the fact that I was on the wait list (why have a wait list if not enough artists applied, you know?), but maybe I read it wrong.
Either way, it's sad to see a show cancelled. Hopefully it's back next year?
I read it more carefully, and it isn't extremely clear, but it may be that he couldn't get enough space to have as many artists as he wants. Sorry for any confusion.
This is really such a shame. And very confusing. I wonder if that's it for this festival, or if it can be made successful in future years. Really wish I knew the whole story - it's right in my back yard, and it would be nice to have a major show so nearby.
What a shame! Hope you have a full schedule otherwise, to make up for it.
OH, NO! What is going on with the crafts show scene? Is it that there are just too many shows competing for a limited number of artists? I feel like the whole landscape of the craft show world has changed so much lately.
Anyway, thank you so much for letting me know. I'd decided not to do it this year, but had definitely planned to go visit, so I appreciate the heads-up!
Best to you,
Thank you, Mark - this is very helpful! I appreciate the input . . .
I did it last year and had an OK show. I know two photographers had $7,000+ shows, they were selling huge pieces, and some artists said it was the worst show they'd done. I asked a lot of people how they heard of it and most said they were just walking by. My biggest sale came from a woman who was out grocery shopping, saw the show and wandered over.