I have been making my products since 1990. Whenever I apply to a show I always include, along with pictures, an open invitation to any promoter or jury team to stop by my shop unannounced. Last year the sauerkraut festival told me they were full. Ok, I understand that. I just got a letter back saying they are requiring more proof of process and even went as far to say my product looks like it was purchased My pictures included my custom jigs, raw materials and work stations. What more are they asking for? I can provide invoices for raw materials but will black out any costs. Again, the open invitation still stands for them to stop in for their proof. Do they just not want me in the show or being difficult? I'm very frustrated. Opinions?

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  • Here is my review of the 2013 Sauerkraut festival:


    And here is the take away.... they put us through requiring all of this proof of process... and so we did video of batching soap, hand dying silk, and photos of every step of the process.  We thought wow, this must be a high standard in a show.  Then we got there and saw things that frustrated us so very much.  Someone had hit the local craft store and bought the entire supply of chinese made tin yard art we refer to as $h1t on a stick.... and she was peeling off the made in china labels, and taking a sharpy and signing her name.  And there were the repetitions of wonderful things, like the slumped wine bottles turned into serving pieces.  Nice, but 6 stands selling the same thing was a bit repetitive.  Half of our business is my husband's handcrafted soap... did we realize there would be 11 soap vendors we might have thought twice about the event.  My side, hand dyed silk and wire crochet was wonderful.  Some wealthy woman from Cincinatti bought the entire stock of my hand dyed silk on the last day.  Rare, and a big blessing.

    What did we take away from Sauerkraut?  

    1. Never judge a show by the demanding standards they initially set for your work.... It is inconsistently applied, and certainly it is inconsistent in the variety of work sold there.  
    2. We are ok with being asked for proof of process - i am honored to tell others how we make our products, and that every detail is handcrafted.  Keep a copy of your documents handy - there may be a need future for the details... and you have them.
    3. Display and booth set up are key... as they walk past your booth it is a sea of people, they have to have something catch their eye... figure out which direction the traffic is flowing, and set it up accordingly.
    4. Give it a shot.  
    • Thanks for the review.  I found it interesting. 

      I have an open door policy on my shop. Any promoter is welcome to my shop any time, any day to see our process, set up, supplies etc. No advance warning is necessary. There will be no question on the fact that we do, in fact, make our products. Heck, I'll give them a lesson if they'd like.

      I've been blessed with good shows this year and am truly grateful.

      We are in a fun/crazy business aren't we?


      • Good policy.  and Blessings for your business.  

        We tried the sauerkraut fest... not sure we will return.  Perhaps one day we will be at a show together and get to chat!  Blessings!

  • I'm with Greg.. I live in the Cincinnati area and have avoided that show like the plague.  People always ask if I do the Sauerkraut Festival and I respond NO!  I do art shows and I hate sauerkraut.  I have never understood the draw of that event.

    • Thanks. I've moved on. No Sauerkraut for me.

  • My question is, why are you so intent on exhibiting at that show? I've been in this business as long as you and I am confident in my work. If I apply to a show and the promoter will not accept the proof I give them that I fully make my product, (in process photos) then I guess I don't need them.

    I refuse to beg a promoter to allow me in a show. The money is just as green somewhere else.

    • I'm not "so intent" on exhibiting at this show but I'm perplexed why the jury team thinks I don't make my products.  I, like most of us, have been copied over and over again to the point of having my brochures (when I passed them out) copied, my business name replaced by theirs.

      I cannot even imagine going to a show and opening a box, taking a label off and selling a product.  

      Thanks for the "push" in the right direction, you're right, I don't need them.  I'm frustrated as I've spent a bundle on "jury fees" thru Zapp and have, recently, been "not accepted" to 3 out of 6 shows.  Wouldn't it be nice if we pay a jury fee we are able to see the jury notes? I would like to know what's keeping me out of a show. I can take it, just tell me so I can change/fix it.


      • They don't have a jury. It's just some of the staff that decides who they want in. Don't let it bother you. And don't bother doing the festival. I live ten minutes from Waynesville and I don't even apply. It's nothing but kraut and junk for sale. Maybe 15 good artists.
        • Thanks Greg. I appreciate your honesty. I've moved on and applied to other shows.

  • Hard to believe they are being so picky. I did that show years ago and it is full of junk. One category listed was "toilet seat covers". Really, that was the listing. There were lots of people there but mostly just walking by eating gross things like sauerkraut sundaes!!
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