Okay, this is weird. I got a rejection email from a show a month ago. Today I got an email from them, saying, “Congratulations, we are calling you off the waiting list.” But their original message said nothing about being on the wait list, it was a rejection, and pretty clearly stated. I just checked that email, to see if I had misunderstood it. It said, “We appreciate your interest …(etc.); unfortunately, we will not be able to include your work in this year's event.” Last year I was rejected, and nothing further happened. The year before, I did get a wait list email, but did not get called. So I know they know how a wait list letter is supposed to work.
I still have the weekend open, so could do the show, but now I’m wondering. Do I look a gift horse in the mouth, and wait for a “Sorry, we made a mistake” email tomorrow? Or call them, and be told, “Oh, no, that was a Zapp mixup.”
Or hit the “accept button” on ZAPP as fast as I can and pop a check in the mail? :) And hope they honor it?
Or, thinking further….Have a lot of people bailed? What do they know, that I don’t?
Have never done the show but friends that have speak highly of it. It is a small market, so I would look for sales to be mid tier. They treat the artist very well.
As long as you are posting it here, why don't you let us know what show it is. This is pretty common with some shows and I would like to know which one is letting you in. Scores are arbitrary anyway and absolutely no reflection on quality. It comes down to judges tastes and really the difference between getting into a show could be one judges score, which reflects their tastes.
It is 4 Bridges in Chattanooga TN. I only get the Midwest version of Art Fair Sourcebook, and TN is out of that range, or the first place I would start is to look up some data there, like how many applications they had last year.
They probably went through their wait list and started either calling local artists who had applied or artists who had high jury scores just under the wait list cutoff.
Larry Berman
Hi Larry: You know, I’ve heard you say this before, but this is the first time it has happened to me. I’m not local, as a matter of fact, I’d have to stay one night on the road just to get there. It was worth it then, the one and only time I was accepted; but that was in 2008, and a lot of things are different now (another reason why I’d sure like to know if there is something odd going on that I don’t know about. I think I had better google search local floods, tornadoes, or layoffs) . Because it IS out of my area, I would not have heard.
I’d love to know how long their wait list was. Just how prevalent is this, to run through a whole wait list?!
I did once get a “accepted” email from a show that had sent me a rejection email 2 days earlier. Then, the next day, when I was writing out the check, in pops a fresh email saying, “We made a mistake, everyone who applied got an accepted email. Please call for your real status.” I did, and I was still among the rejected. Luckily I had not yet cancelled the other show I had accepted for that date!