Hi, everyone - I am a palette-knife painter, making large, bright pieces with a heavy impasto.
My dad lives in Tubac, AZ, and for the past couple years, I've gone to visit him, and combined that with shows and a sponsored plein-air painting trip.
I did the Tubac show last year and did OK. Not great, not terrible. Let's say I did OK for a two-day show, but it was a four-day show, and there were looooong stretches of no action.
I got into Tempe this year, and Tubac, too, and need some help. I can't do both shows, as I can't be away for two months. Tubac is Feb. 4-8 and Tempe is March 27-29.
Here are two major issues. You have to send your booth fee in with your application to Tubac, and I don't know if I can get it back, should I turn down the invitation. I'll call and see what the deal is there.
The second issue is that Tempe apparently has some good spots and some terrible ones, and booth location is decided by the order in which the artists accept. I'm weeks past the notification date - so if I do decide to do Tempe, will I end up with a booth location near out in the back 40, beside the port-a-potties?
I'd appreciate any insight, experience, ideas, etc.
The answer to your question about Tempe, is yes. You'll end up with whatever is leftover. But even the spots on Mill Ave can be ho-hum. I've not done the show for several years because of the poor management at that show. Perhaps it's gotten better since I was there. Lots of people there for entertainment.
I have heard that Tubac is more of a draw for serious buyers since it is not a) a college town b) close to any urban shopping c) has a reputation as an artists colony.
Perhaps someone has a different experience and can chime in.