I am selling:
(2) 38" wide ProPanel print bins in Light Grey with telescoping legs (each bin sells for $235 brand new - https://www.propanels.com/product/print-bin/). The base is 30″ high. The sling has a hard bottom that recesses in the frame 10″ and rises 12″ above the base.
(1) 42" high ProPanel mini desk with 1 shelf in Dark Grey with telescoping legs (this sells for $165 brand new - https://www.propanels.com/product/mini-desk/)
Buying all of these brand new from Pro Panels would be $625 plus shipping. I am selling the print bins for $160 each and the mini desk for $110, which is 40% off what it would cost to buy these brand new.
Pick-up only. I am located in Lakeland, Florida.
Hi James, I am interested in the mini desk, you can call me at 786-877-5880 JMIGUEL
would like a print bin 410-322-724five
Hi James, I would love to purchase the desk if still available. I am local. Let me know and thank you!!!
Hi James! Are these still available? I am interested. Could pick up. Let me know! Thank you
706 910 9585