Pro Panels vs. Mesh Walls

Pro Panels vs. Mesh Walls

This isn't a what should I buy thread. I'm questioning the jury ability of one vs. the other. We know that Pro Panels gives the impression of a museum or gallery wall. But what do jurors think of mesh panels and will using them potentially lower your jury score.

The reason I'm bringing this up is that I got a call from a photographer who didn't get into Brookside. After contacting the show, they received their jury score and was given a comment about the booth that if they had used Pro Panels instead of mesh walls the booth would have looked better.

If any juror or show director is reading this, what do you think?

Larry Berman
Art Show Jury Services

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  • Did you see his booth slide? Were the mesh wall covers wrinkly, or were there no covers, maybe? Distracting in some way? Not a juror or director, just curious.
    • Yes. The only issue I could see was back lighting. But I'm wondering if this happens and we're not aware of it.

      Larry Berman
      Art Show Jury Services

      • I'm a show director. I don't have a preference for Propanels over grid walls or mesh walls, although I personally show with Propanels because I can Velcro my work to them and arrange and rearrange easily to my little heart's content.

        Artists are supposed to be creative, and by requiring everyone to have the same look, I believe it takes away from the creativity of the show. I have several artists who might be considered eccentric, whose displays are sometimes over the top, and guess what? They sell more than most of those with the swanky displays. Why? Because everything about their booth screams, "I love what I do and you should, too!"

        When I choose my jury, I try to have a good mix of people who are academics, patrons who have attended area shows, artists who no longer do shows, and at least one person who knows nothing about art but who has a great sense of what will sell and not. I wish the shows I apply to would do the same. My favorite rejection included the suggestion that I do "some different kind of art because no one knows what digital art is, anyway." Didn't matter that I had Propanels...


        Another side note on ProPanels...because people in town know that I own 11 panels and the local art guild, of which I happen to be president, owns another 20, they seem to think that they should be able to "borrow" them whenever they get the whim. I told a man this morning that if he was so concerned about supporting the arts community in town, he should invest $5000 in panels and hardware so that anyone who wanted to could "borrow" them whenever. He was not impressed with my suggestion. So, I wonder if I had grid walls if they would be knocking on my door so often...
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