This weekend we lucked out and after searching for used panels for the last 8 months-we found a gently used set of pro panels on Craigslist! woo hoo!...with the exception of two problems:
-They are pine green- not what we were hoping (we are both painters, so a black or gray would have been preferred),
- worse yet, we realized *too late* that the panels we bought are for indoor use (we didn't know there was an indoor & outdoor type). The Art Fairs we have been looking at are all outdoor... is it OK to use 'indoor pro panels' outdoors?
It appears our Tent may also be a problem I've been reading awful things about the EZ UP...but that is all we can afford now (that we spent $$$ on the panels)- I saw a great link on setting up 'hoola hoops' in the corner of the EZ Up to prevent accumulation of water--but now I can not find the link... can someone repost it please?
Additionally, we are both artists and are totally perplexed on how we will apply to shows as we each create art individually, yet also collaborate on pieces. We don't want to set up separately as it is not feasible cost wise, we only have one car....nor is it something we are interested in doing. Are there shows that allow two artists to share a booth?
Any thoughts on ANY of the above will be VERY appreciated.
Today, we will be setting up our tent and new/used panels out in the street (lcuky for us we live in a cul de sac) to take booth photos and begin dreaming of driving to Fla during the DC winter to participate in a show!
kind regards,
Claudia & Sergio
Here's the article on supporting the roof of an EZup.
Be careful of making wrong business decisions trying to save a few dollars.
Larry Berman
Thank you for that link Larry!
We will be emailing you the photos of our booth....hope*Fully* this evening!
Re: bad business decisions.... the EZ UP we have had for two years now & purchased it when only beginning to discover this HUGE world of Art Fairs. We've only used it at 5 small 'flea/craft market type fairs' as we were dipping our toes into this new world. In the next year-depending how we do at the shows- we will purchase a higher end tent. For now, we now to reinforce it and perhaps spray it with waterproofing material.
The fact that the panels are pine green is a business decision we will have to live with for now. What we hope to do is to use them for a year or two, then sell them and purchase the color we want. We have already made DIY panels 3 times these past two years...each time to process getting more time and $$$ consuming- so the green pro panels are simply a step in the direction towards our ideal 'set up'.
C & S