Don't be surprised if you are rejected and the Columbian imported watches are accepted. They get in to Plaza often. They are at Edina, MN right now. How can anydirector of a respected show anywhere not know about their scam by now.
I hope you said something to the Director. It's grand that this group has a small business that sells all over the place, but art festivals are not the appropriate venue for production work.
I did get the! thx
See you there, Steve!
Don't be surprised if you are rejected and the Columbian imported watches are accepted. They get in to Plaza often. They are at Edina, MN right now. How can anydirector of a respected show anywhere not know about their scam by now.
I hope you said something to the Director. It's grand that this group has a small business that sells all over the place, but art festivals are not the appropriate venue for production work.
I did - in for 2015.
Me either. Just curious if no news may be bad news...