Looking for the perfect art fair lunch? Cut an avocado in half, sprinkle it with Spike and scoop it out. Tastes heavenly, doesn't stick to your teeth in funny places, your hands stay clean and you can easily put it down to sell something. Because you know that customers always come when you try to eat something! This is thanks to Nancy Krahn, tons of years ago!
So what's yours?
My perfect food is chicken salad. I need a high protein lunch on art fair days. I don't use mayonnaise, so there is no spoilage issue (plus, I don't like mayonnaise). I use half sour cream and half plain yogurt. It will keep for 3 days in the cooler, as long as I change the ice at night and in the morning. I use the roasted chickens you find at the grocery store; they have better flavor than cooking a chicken breast. I add cut up grapes if I have them, or cranberries, chopped celery, and spices.
When I don't have time to make this, cottage cheese with fruit is my standard lunch. Again, it's high protein. It will keep me satisfied until I have time after the show to get more calories.