I want to personally thank the directors of the Peoria show for taking a stand and enforcing their own rules. Too many times directors have looked the other way when one of their artists breaks the rules. This morning they booted the Nicaraguan potter out of their show for not following show rules about having artists make their own work in this country. Apparently, they have some information that the work is made in Nicaragua in a factory, brought to the US to be sold at art fairs, and being passed off as made by the so called artist who doesn't speak English and has his handler speak for him. These are the same people who won Best of Show recently at Arts, Beats, and Eats. To be fair, the pots are hand made and are well done.  I have no opinion or proof as to whether they are made by the person who claims to have made them. The issue could be resolved if a show, or an art center that puts on a show, invites the artist to come and give a workshop and show us how they are made. I know I would be honored to go anywhere and give a workshop if I was asked.  I really hope that this is the start of a trend where the message is that breaking the rules, especially buy/sell, will not be tolerated. 

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