It's spring and I was enjoying a night night out on my porch when I looked over at my porch light at all the bugs flying around. It came to me that I have my FIRST outdoor art fair event coming up in a month and that we will be showing one night after it gets dark. I have two tracks of halogen track lighting that I will be using to help display my painting. All the booth will be filled with flying bugs? wouldn't they? How do you combat this problem? does anyone ever bring anything other than just bug repellent to put on yourself ? Any suggestions? Thx Leslie

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  • Last year the only issue I had with bugs was the one week long Fair I did.

    After the booth was closed up the first night, any bugs that had flown in during the open hours, would all collect in the peak of the canopy. Black flies and mosquitos particularly. I live in Maine, and our State joke is that the mosquito is our State bird. Here's what I did. I had (fortunately) remembered to bring some clear painters drop material- plastic sheeting, in case of rain. Using clamps, I hung the sheeting from front to back across the top, clamping it with three clamps on all four edges up at the top. During the night, when it was cool they would all get trapped up there. But this kept them off me, my customers, and my jewelry displays. I just took it down just before opening,shook it out, and stored it til closing time, then rehung it. I also discovered, that putting a fan up "in the rafters", to move the air around during the day kept me an d the customers cooler, while encouraging the little critters to leave! Our biggest critter worry here in Maine, is Ticks. I Hate Them!! I have found an all natural, safe repellent for myself and my dog. It seems to be working, but the dog hates it as it contains citronella oil.

    • What kinda of fan? I'm always wishing for a booth fan.


      • Just regular box fans. Purchased at Walmart or rite-aid. Bungied it up at the center, at an angle, pointed towards the closed sides and floor. I use two- one for each side. It just moves all the still air around on the hot muggy days. They also have 3 speed settings. Keeps things cooler.
      • I don't tend to buy electricity at outdoor shows, so I've been on the lookout for a battery-operated fan that will actually make a difference in my booth for a few years now, and I've finally gotten lucky.

        Last year, my husband bought me a fan  made by Ryobi that can be found at Home Depot for about $30.  It uses a battery pack like you'd stick on the bottom of a cordless drill - they're sold separately for about $30, if you don't have one already.  When fully charged, I can get a good six hours of high speed wind from the fan, and it really makes a difference.  I bought a two-pack of batteries at a discount, which allows me to switch packs on long, hot days. I take the packs home and recharge them overnight and I'm good to go the next day.  

      • Jackie,  I don't remember the name of the mosquito "lantern" but they have them at Home Depot.  It comes in an orange box, small.  The candle is included in the kit.  I think it's about $6 for a box, maybe a little less.  It's just that we used them all up last year and haven't replaced them yet, since our outdoor dining season doesn't really start until June here in Colorado.
    • Home Depot carries a mosquito repellant that looks like a little lantern (can't remember the name).  The lantern has a votive candle in it, which you light, then place the top over the base.  Into the top, you place this metallic chip.  The candle heats the chip, which emits a tiny bit of smoke for a few minutes, then goes away.  

      It's awesome, because, as the instructions say, it will keep mosquitos away from a space up to 10x10, which is the size of our patio - and of my booth!  The scent is mildly aromatic for those first few minutes, then nothing.  You can place it right inside your booth when the mosquitos come out in the afternoon.  We'll be stocking up this summer for bug-free patio dinners and BBQ!

      • Hey Michael, do you rememebr the name of that votive that you use.  I live in the misquito capital of Michigan.  I can hardly go outside at times.  As soon as you know the name post it please!!!


        Jacki B

      • Thanks...I will check into this...sounds like it may work for me as well!!

        I could use 2 on the large front porch for bug free dinners, and use it in my booth too!

        Good idea!

  • Citronella applied to exposed areas of skin. (use pinky finger for this)

    Long pants and long sleeves.

    One new leaf of the fabric softener sheets in your pocket is supposed to help deter but have never tried this.

    And make sure you bring some itch relief treatment for those who will dare to bite you.

    • You brought back a great memory.  We went on a ride into the Florida wilderness in summer with our jeep club.  A new member brought a dryer sheet for everyone, swore it worked.  We wisely left the top and the a/c on and offered our 90% DEET for all to use.  But the jeep in front of us had taken everything off, top, doors, windshield and had chosen the dryer sheet method.  It didn't take long for the slapping and cursing to start in the jeep in front of us.  They didn't get more than a couple miles before they called for a stop and came back begging for the DEET.  Note to all:  Dryer sheets do not work on Florida black flies.
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