If you weren't loading up your vehicle after the weekend's art fair I'll bet many of you, like us, were watching the Oscars, always a good show, celebrating creativity in many facets. I especially liked Meryl Streep's nod to the movie business that I think echoes how many of the people in the art fair biz feel about our careers there:
Streep praised all of her colleagues:
I look out here and I see my life before my eyes. My old friends, my new friends. This is such a great honor, but the thing that counts the most with me is the friendships and the love, and the sheer joy we have shared making movies together... Thank you all of you -- departed and here -- for this inexplicably wonderful career.
I love Meryl Streep. You can't beat her. I also love Billy Crystal. He does a fantastic job as host of the Oscars. I hope he does it again next year.
It was a fun show!