Has anyone done this show recently?  Got an invite yesterday and checked out AF Sourcebook.  There were a lot of negative comments from artists but all dated back to 2010 when they apparently moved location, expanded the number of artists, and started charging an entrance fee.  Couldn't find anything from 2011 or 2012 though.

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  • Regarding the show fee, I have thought these fees were extremely high but then considered that maybe the sales/crowds were phenomenal and warranted the fees.  Sounds like maybe not so?

    • Skip the "maybe", just not so. Perhaps so if you're up on the short side of the L, but not on the long side.
  • The first year the show was on Orchard Lake, the promoters had a "suggested" $5 donation. Occasionally, a patron would get by the security at the gate without paying the fee. One friend had a BUYING customer in her booth who had not paid the "donation", and the security person came into the booth and accosted the customer. This moron insisted that the patron accompany him back to the gate to pay the "suggested" donation. Needless to say, this horrified and angered my friends, who gave the security a piece of their mind.

    On Sunday, the gate sign was changed from "suggested" donation, to "donation $5".

    The locations on Powers Road are the ONLY locations that you will sell anything on. Listen to Robert's advice. Placing the food booths and the Cadillac sponsor cars at the "L" intersection turned many customers around, thinking it was the end of the show.

    The show could be good, if better choices were made as to the layout, the "donation" policy, better people skills on the part of the gate nazis. Patty does a good job with organization and does advertise the show. It is in an affluent part of the Detroit metro area, and looks good on paper.

    • Thanks for the input.  I certainly will post a review of the show once it's done.

  • Ok. I guess I did understand right.  Just seemed weird that the majority of the show was in a bad location but I can see how that could be by looking on the map.  Thank you for your input.  I'm going to do the show only because it fits in my schedule and this is my first year and full of excitement to see what the summer brings.  I'm sure I'll hit a few duds for sure.

    • Be sure to post a review of it, good or bad, however it turns out :-)
  • Robert

    Guess I'm confused.  There is no location that I could see behind the Barnes and Noble.  the short side of the L is on Powers Rd which I thought was where you wanted to be but now I'm not so sure it isn't on the long side of the L  but I thought I read that you didn't want to be by the apartment complex which is on the long side of the Land.  Am thinking I may have screwed myself for requesting to be on Powers rd. 

    • I was on Daly, further south from the Willoway Day Care center and about even with the Beaumont Medical Center. If you pull up the satellite picture of the area, you'll see that is way the hell and gone from the center of the action. Many visitors never realized those were artists past the bend of the L. They assumed incorrectly those were more commercial booths. Unfortunately, that was damn near 2/3 of the artists.

      Most people parked way up toward the opposite end of the L and they're not going to walk all the way to the end and back. If you're at the long end, you're just another sacrificial lamb waiting to get your financial throat cut. I think you can figure out I wasn't pleased and the intervening two years has not improved my perception of it ;-)

      Good luck to you!
  • Robert I just love your sense of humor.  There is always one line that makes me laugh.

    Thomas there are also a few reviews at www.artshowreviews.com.  They are recent reviews, too.  Always check there.  Or site is free and easy to use. 

  • I did it in 2011, and wrote a blog on it; http://www.artfairinsiders.com/profiles/blogs/9th-annual-orchard-la...


    I won't do the show again. Patty's booth fees have crept higher than Amy Amdur's, and the return on the investment is too poor. The big issue with Orchard Lake is the layout which sucks horribly. If you're at the far end of the layout, you might as well start playing the sound track from Deliverance because you're about to get screwed. Even the food vendors down there lost money.

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