This show recently came up on greg Lawler's list. Has anyone done or have any info. about this show?
Winterfest Festival of Fine Arts & Fine Crafts
Holmes Beach, FL
December 8th - 9th, 2012 (Sat-Sun)
App Deadline: September 3rd, 2012
Thank you
Hi Hugo. This is a small, informal,but well-run show (although I understand it has a new show director since 2010, when I last did it.) It's juried, and was juried well the last time I did it. Winterfest isn't a huge moneymaker; the locals support it but there isn't as much money there as there was before the recession. If you have the bux to spend, you can get some nice bed/breakfast accommodations on Anna Maria Island (on which Holmes Beach is located). Otherwise, there are lots of inexpensive motels along Cortez (Ave.? Blvd?) which is the main road back to Bradenton, on the mainland.
Bottom line: A paycheck show without a lot of show competition on that weekend. The spring show (Springfest) has more buyers.