Hi I currently have a photography booth at my local fair. I am wanting to add a special line of jewelry to my booth. Dont ask why, just because. Anyway my question is do I need to create a separate name, have separate accounting system, ect. or can I run the both under my photography name. I will have a separate email, business cards and Web site for the jewelry. I may even alternate weekends and sell only photos one weekend and the jewelry the next.
Are you asking this for tax reasons? That you need to keep the two businesses separate in terms of profit and loss and expenses?
Can't answer the tax question, but in terms of artist recognition at shows...
Just wanted to point out my first reaction, if you are trying to gain some recognition, it's better to have both types of art (photos and jewelry) with the same or similar name. So "Grant Joseph Art" would cover both, and allow you to switch up and make benches out of barn wood someday, and STILL not have to change your business cards and signage, and website, etc. There are folks who have websites and they have separate galleries (photo galleries on the website)
for different things they make, say fiber scarves and 3D collage paintings. But both are under the same artistic name.
Just a thought. Don't make either name so precise that you can't cross over unless that is the intention.
I think the people that go to this trouble have a specific business objective in doing so, such as preparing one medium for an eventual sale as an independent business as an example. Estate planning to split a business between multiple siblings might be another reason. I'm sure there are other examples. If you don't have a compelling reason then I'd say make your jewelry a category in your current system so you can track it at that level and spend that time marketing.
Like Greg said though if you apply to new shows you might want to go over your plans on what of the two mediums will be in the booth because most juried fairs will care.
I know that I can do this as I have checked but was wanting to know if anybody had any ideas as to keeping them separate or can I just put the jewelry part under my photo business as far as expenses, sales ect goes
All juried shows want you to have one medium in your booth...not a combination unless it is a show that allows booth sharing between two artists...and these usually require a separate application be submitted for each medium.
It might be different at some of the smaller local shows and craft guild shows...but I would definitely call them and ask what their policies are.