
  • Great location, promoter has high standards for submissions, easy set-up and breakdown, well balanced catagories. With all that going for the show you would think it would be a money maker, unfortunately not. Locals don't come downtown on the weekend (too many tourists) and the tourists aren't coming for an art show. The promoter Lynn does a great job, she's on site the entire show to handle any problems and she's a pleasure to work with. I hope the show improves but I've done it several times at this location with mediocre at best results.

    • Thanks to all for the great insights.
  • I also just found this comment on our Art Fair Calendar Facebook page:

    st augustine ia a great tourist destination. I've done this show w/gorgeous talented artist very high quality and loved it. check it out JoAnn

  • Did you go to their website?

    Lynn Wettach produces four shows. This is not a new show this year as she advertised with me last year also. All I can say is that she is really nice to work with and she is dedicated to putting together good events. The location and timing look pretty good, don't they? This is a good tourist destination during holiday time. I guess it would depend on a lot where you live and where you are going to be at that time. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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