My partner and I have applied to this show 4 years running, and never received an answer back from them as to "invited" or "declined" status; in spite of the fact that the past 2 years we have sent our applications super early by certified mail with return receipt. This year we did receive an email that our $25 jury fee was received.
If this is supposed to be one of the top 10 shows in the country, this seems totally unprofessional. Is anyone familiar with their jurying process? Is the jurying done by professional artists or are applications just thrown in the yes or no pile by the person who opens the mail?
I'd be interested in anyone who has experience with the show and the people who run the show. At this point I have totally lost interest in working with a group that seems so unprofessional and disrespectful of the artists' need to set up a working schedule for the year.