I know this sounds weird, but my artwork does not fall into the normal categories and I think I just missed out making a juried show as I entered the wrong medium. I am on the wait list, but think if I had entered correctly I might have just gotten in. You can see my work at www.sassythreadworks.com, but in a nutshell I make cloth art dolls/soft figurative sculpture. I utilize fabric, paint, etc. to make my dolls, so I entered as mixed media, but I am wondering if I should be applying as fiber or sculpture instead. Any ideas? Any other art doll makers out there and if so what do you enter as? I am going to be entering at least three or four more shows this year and want to make sure I am doing this correctly. I am doing my first show next month (Main Street - Fort Worth, Texas) and what helped with that show is I entered as an emerging artist. Thanks for the help and hope everyone is having a wonderful day. ~michelle lord
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When most promoters look at mixed media they typically mean artwork with paint and added embellishments (ie feathers, sand, etc) your work looks to me like it would be better suited in the fiber art or fiber/sculpture section as your main body of work is fabric. I would ask the promoters too what they think, as opinions are often varied anyways. GOOD LUCK on your first event!
Nice website Michelle. I could be wrong as I am in a totally different art area (photography), but I'm thinking you are definately in the fiber category as your items are pretty much cloth.
When in doubt, call the shows listed contact. I have found they are generally very happy to assist new artists applying to their shows.....
Have a terrific show year!
Hi MIchelle, you create excellent soft fiber sculptured things. You would not entry any show under the category of "mixed media" but rather as indicated from your web site "fiber", but, yet you are also sculpturing these art pieces, so you would want to register in the future under the category "fiber/soft sculpture", unless the directors of a show specifies otherwise...Happy trails with your creativity !
Latta www.lattasartgallery-alley.com
Great site and awesome work!
When most promoters look at mixed media they typically mean artwork with paint and added embellishments (ie feathers, sand, etc) your work looks to me like it would be better suited in the fiber art or fiber/sculpture section as your main body of work is fabric. I would ask the promoters too what they think, as opinions are often varied anyways. GOOD LUCK on your first event!
When in doubt, call the shows listed contact. I have found they are generally very happy to assist new artists applying to their shows.....
Have a terrific show year!