Need to buy sidewalls - what do you have

I know I need a better tent but my FirstUp has served me well for 4 years so I'm postponing that purchase for a while. I want sidewalls that zip on all 4 sides and go around the outside of the four support polls. I found some at the hutshop link

Has anyone bought and been happy with these? Any other suggestions I will gladly take.

Thank you,


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  • I bought a set from either Dick's Sporting goods or Sports Authority on-line.  If it wasn't what I wanted it could be returned in the store.  They've been great for me - much more compact than the set that came with my EZup.  Does the First Up have straight up and down legs or do they angle out?  That would make a difference in how these would fit.
    • It has straight legs, the first outdoor show we did required that. I'm glad you mentioned compact - definately like to add as little to what I have to lug around as possible. There is a Dick's at the mall where my hubby works so I will call him to go check at lunch.

      Thank you  Christina

  • I bought these just before I traded up from my EZ UP to a Trimline.  They are NOT as high quality as the ones that EZ UP sells, the zippers were a little flimsy and they didn't attach as high  as the EZ UP walls which makes them more of a risk in the wind. 

    I only used them one show and was not impressed.  Bottom line, you get what you pay for.

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