I just got my annual Krasl rejection, and I'm still scratching my head wondering what goes on. I wasn't able to get to the open jury as that's about a 4-5 hour drive for me and the weather sucked that day. I took the effort to submit two applications with entirely different bodies of work this time. I plan to make it to the open jury next year as there is serious competition to get in that show and every little bit of information helps.

The scores came back, but unfortunately it's kind of nebulous as which scores went with which application. I've sent off a nice polite letter asking for a little clarification. One of the apps had 3 jurors giving respectable scores and two that must have thought I was either a buy/sell person or a high schooler with the scores they hit me with; 1-1-4-5-6. The top three make a decent average but those bottom two smell like week old fish :-( Juror 5 was the high score on this one.

The other entry had a split of 2-3-3-3-6. Juror 2 was the high score on this one. Here's hoping the organizers take a little time to at least straighten out which set of scores go with which application. 

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  • rejected too. Scores in order of jurors: 5-7-3-3-3 That 7 is the top score possible, but all those 3's sank me. I'm tired of sending jury fees to Krasl, I hope I remember this next year!

  • Got our rejection too- our scores were 6-5-5-3-5. Oh well, maybe next year!
  • Are the scores given in order? Juror # 1 being the first score, etc.? If so, rejectees could compare notes to see whether it was the same juror slamming them with low scores.

    • I gave mine in ascending order. I don't know which set of scores go with each app, but here are my scores in order of judge 1 to 5; 1-5-1-4-6 and 2-6-3-3-3. I guess the only thing I see is that judge #2 was more inclined toward my work than the others.
  • I got in last year from the waitlist and the show ended up being a top 5 for net sales. 

    This year I got my reject with juror scores of 2-5-5-3-6. On another review site an artist talked about their scores running the gamut for one application. They received a 1 AND a 7. Talk about all over the charts. 

  • Top score was probably 7. I was surprised that they used 4 as many shows have 1-3 and 5-7 with no 4's. The two emails I received had both app numbers on each of them. I'll continue working on different directions as what I have is getting me into solid second tier shows but the higher end shows are still eluding me. Interesting that the worst performer has a total of 17 points and the least amount of variation (consistently mediocre with three 3's) and the one with the most variation has a total of 18 points but with a couple of low scores that are usually chosen expressly to keep someone out of a show. Knowing the turnoff on those two jurors is a key to improving quality of jury images.

    • Both app numbers on each email?! Yes, needs elucidation.


      When I see some really low scores, from one juror, when receiving excellent scores from another, I always wonder if that low scoring juror is just someone who doesn't like much of anything. There have been threads about that in the past (not sure which forum), where people comparing notes said things like, "Juror # 3 Hates me", to find out that Juror # 3 hated pretty much everyone.

      • Unfortunately the poor opinion of the submissions was shared by two of the five jurors :-(
  • They didn't have the ZAPP application ID on each? What was the top score possible?


    I didn't apply this year. Just tired of trying. The only year I was accepted was pre-ZAPP.

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