Just a quick note - I was at the Arlington Festival of the Arts this weekend, a Howard Alan show, and had the pleasure of seeing Alison Thomas, Leo Charrette and Bill and Staci Maclaughlan there. All are people I've gotten to know through AFI. I didn't have a chance to talk to Leo, but saw him in the dark on Saturday morning, and he was like a touchstone for me. I was able to spend some time with Alison and the Maclaughlans - these are all friends I'd never have met, were it not for AFI. It makes the shows - good or bad - more enjoyable or less painful. 

Thanks, Connie! 

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  • Jacki and I attend shows together some times and we have a great time, between us we know a lot of artists. I try to get to a new show every year to meet new people and see the work, of course. 

  • Hi Carrie,I also enjoy meeting artists that I have come to know here at AFI, too.  When we meet in person I sort of feel like I already know them. 

    Thanks for sharing that.

  • Thank you for this message, Carrie. I'd love to meet you, Alison and the McLauchlans too. Hope that day comes soon. All of them have made such a difference on this site and it is so cool that you can meet online and then in person! That is one of the reasons why when we started this site that we had people use "real names" as opposed to the screen name most sites call for. In most online communities people never meet one another, but in our real community there was a good chance that could happen.

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