If you had to choose between the two, which would you pick? Has anyone done both, and can compare? Do they draw the same audience? Or different?


I’ve done the spring show for about 8 years. The first year was the best. Even in years when it didn’t rain, sales have gone downhill since, to the point where I question whether it is worth the 6-8 hour drive for me.


I’ve never done the fall show. I recall hearing for years there was a lot of infighting among the organizers, but know nothing more about it. My former jewelry teacher (a Michigan native) used to do it, and liked it, but he’s been out of the loop for several years now.


I used to do several shows in the Detroit area each year, but with declining sales, have decided to pull back, and keep it to maybe one. But which?!  Used to do Royal Oak (Memorial Park)  in July, but their no refunds policy has me boycotting them.  



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  • Just "did" Birmingham this spring. First bagel ever. Saturday the weather was miserable. Sunday it was so bad, the entire event was cancelled and artists told to pack everything and leave asap. Unfortunate as last year it was a great event.
  • I think it depends on the weather as to which show is the better one.  I prefer the spring show but not for any rational reason.  This year they moved the show back to the park and the fall show is still on Old Woodward with booths being back to back going down the street.  The spring show is not actually in the park.  It's on the streets surrounding the park, a lot like the way Madison is laid out.
    • I also have done both shows for the last 5 yrs, all I can say is roll the dice, if the weather is funky the people don't show. . Last yr I did very well at both shows. I thought the show being on Old Woodward vs Shain Park was much better.
  • I did both shows last year.  The May show was much better for me.  The September show  was my last outdoor show of the year.  Customers did not seem as enthusiastic about buying as they did at all of my previous summer shows.  I did think it was worthwhile though.
  • You know they did do both of these shows...there are multiple show reviews in the blogs for both of them...


    We used to do both of them also -- but this was pre-recent recessionary times, so hate to comment, except they were both good ones then. I don't know of any infighting at all. These were wonderfully run events run by non-profits with professional staffing.

    • I have had the same experience as Connie . I used to do them Pre-recessionary times too...ANd they were quite good then. BUT...I live 45 minutes away. I'm not sure I would drive great distances for them. Maybe 10 yrs ago...Yeah. But now..its a tough call. 

      I hope every day that Michigan pulls out of this funk. Birmingham is a lovely city that was very appreciative and supportive of the Arts!

      • That show is practically in your backyard!! LOL!!
    • Thanks, Connie. I think I'm not good at searching the blogs for reviews. I have had trouble finding things. Okay, I just che
      • I got cut off.....I'll re-type:


        OKay, I just checked again. I found last May's show, and all the comments in that same thread, but no others. I typed "Birmingham MI" into the search box. What am I doing wrong?

        • I haven't figured out the search here -- it is really a challenge to me too! I think the "search" in the blogs brings up only the "tags" -- and many of the posters don't use the tags correctly. Frankly they are different from other sites where the tagging seems to be pretty standard. That being said, head to the September blogs...you see on the right hand side there is a place to click on the September ones? There was a good bit of discussion there as well as in the May blogs. Did you try just "Birmingham" ---??
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