First time to do this show and wondered- how much do you tearing down for
Sat. night?
I have pottery, and almost always keep things up, with the exception of the Central Pa State College show, plus Allentown in Buffalo, I put most away. Unless the weather forecast is bad.
Any info appreciated.
Thank you!
I've done Manayunk several times. I take my art work out each night for any outdoor show including (or expecially Manayunk). The last time I did Manayunk (2009 I believe), I had my booth broken into. I had a little damage to my mesh walls since they tried to break into a corner that was covered by a mesh wall, and then they came in thru the front. They stole a display bin (not sure why) but then left it on the side walk a block or so away. A photographer friend had one piece stolen and some others had their tent walls slashed.
They do have security but it is hard for them to patrol properly given the length of the show, the fact that the street isn't straight and their are hills, and the fact that booths have the street in front and sidewalk behind. And the show is along a street with many bars.
Thanks, Michael. I take everything down at State College, a few of the booths in my area that left some stuff had some problems.
I know the Manayunk show stays open umtil 7, and taking my stuff down takes forever.
Of course packing up for one night only is a lot better than 3 nights!
Renee Dinauer sent me this message to share with you, Judy:
Tell Judy that the show has an industrial feel to it, and looks less secure than it is.
I have done the show three or four times in the last 15 years. Always the same - I have never packed up on Saturday Night. There is a lot of carousing and partying, but everyone seems to be respectful. Unless the show has changed since 2009, I wouldn't worry about it. Cover everything of course. Renee
Thank you, Kale. And thanks, Connie for asking your friend. Appreciated!
I usually leave the artwork if the weather is going to be nice - but I haven't had to deal with too bad of weather yet. The last show said they had security but I couldn't tell who those people would be. Another show I did had tons of security day and nice. Which put my mind at ease. That was The Westport Art Fair in Kansas City, MO.