lost article

hey there, I need some help. I saw a link to an interesting article a while back somewhere (I can't remember) and I'm trying to find it. It was an article about artists and a realistic number of collectors that we all need. It pointed out, for example, how many paintings an artist could do in their lifetime, and then the actual number of collectors and buyers they would need to have a successful career. Does anyone remember it? Did anyone save it? If you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

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  • Rings no bells with me, Carroll. Do you think you saw it on this site?

    • I can't remember for the life of me where I saw it, I'm ancient you know. I thought it was on AFR but usually when something that good comes around it is on your site too. It was a great article.
      • I just spent a half hour looking for it. Didn't find it but did find a lot of interesting discussions, in particular in Painters Alley where painters have discussed whether or not anyone is earning a living.

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