Hello everyone- newbie here. I'll begin by saying thanks for all the valuable info contained on this site. It has helped me tremendously as I gain my footing in the Art Fair world. I've been fortunate enough to be invited to Uptown and Loring Park which are scheduled for the same weekend. The obvious choice would seem to be to go with Uptown but after searching the posts on this site I'm not so sure. Any insight or wisdom would be greatly appreciated. My work is wood furniture with stone inlay and ranges from $399 to $2,000. I also sell mirror frames for $150-$200. Www.eauclairewoodworks.com if you care to take a peek. Thanks everyone! Tim Brudnicki

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  • Thanks folks- looks like I'll pony up the extra 3 hunny and try the Uptown. I appreciate the feedback on the booth space too Robert.
    • Uptown is $300 MORE than the others now? Wow. I've tried all 3, but enough years back that it is probably irrelevant. Uptown gets the hordes. Set up is/was much easier at Powderhorn or Loring.

      Oh, and Friday was always worth it at Uptown. Not like those 3 days shows where no one comes on Friday.

      • Neither Loring or Powderhorn are open Friday. Friday is set up for both shows. I only did 50.00 in powderhorn last year I will a try to Loring. We see what happen.

  • I'm going to have to toss a coin on this one with some bias toward Uptown. I did Loring park last year and bombed badly, with sales under $200 which didn't even pay for my gas one way. I last did Uptown over 20 years ago, so it's hard to compare with that much time difference.


    Uptown has higher traffic, seems to be frequented by a younger hip crowd more attuned to the unusual. Loring seems to be a more conservative crowd that is cautious with their purchases.


    Uptown has had problems with theft and shoplifting. Loring has homeless folks at night, although the organizers seem to be doing a reasonable job of keeping them out. I didn't care for the issue of the basketball courts remaining open at Loring Park with loud games going on with some pretty salty language which was audible 75-125 feet away. That part is not family friendly.


    Uptown can be problematic loading in and out depending on where you're at. Loring was pretty easy to get in and out of.


    Given the higher price points and sophistication of the work, I'd probably lean more toward Uptown. Location of course is important at Uptown. My first two years were under the overhang of the Uptown Theater, and I did great. The third year I was pushed out to a side street and was about 50-75 feet away from Hennepin with no one between me and Hennepin. I complained and asked to be moved closer to Hennepin. No dice. I sold nada, zip, not a diddly damned thing and had the guy in the poster shop behind me bitch at "blocking" his storefront. In retrospeect, I should have just moved the booth any way without asking. After the show, I get a letter from Uptown telling me they lost my check and would I write them another? You can guess what direction their letter went. Needless to say, I've not been back.

  • If you don't mind, I'd also like to add Powderhorn into this discussion, since it's also on the same day. I was invited to Powderhorn and Uptown and need to decide. I make pottery, ranging in price from $10 to $300. Is the additional day (Friday) worth it at Uptown? Is there a benefit to having more moderately priced items at Uptown amongst the higher end sellers? What's setup/teardown like at all 3 shows?

    • I'm doing Powderhorn. I live in Minneapolis, I have not been to Loring since the first year or two, so I don't know too much about it. But Uptown is more of a shopping district and it seems like people go there to hang out and not so much to buy art. Plus Uptown is more expensive, 3 days and open late, too much for me.

      • How is the neighborhood around Powderhorn? I had heard comments about it being a bad neighborhood. I figured since you live in Minneapolis, you'd have a better informed opinion on that.

        • The neighborhood is not a great one. But it is also kind of hippie neighborhood too. It is residental. It is fairly art friendly but not as affluent as Uptown. So if you have a higher price point I would do Uptown. But for me, I do jewelry and have a range from $20-$450, with a lot of items under $100, I feel like Powderhorn is better for me.

  • I would think in your price point, Uptown would be better. There are 3 art fairs in Mpls that weekend and Loring is the least attended. But the people in Uptown have more money. There have been a lot of upscale condos going up in that area for the last few years.


  • Wow, Tim. Beautiful work. I have been accepted into both shows too. I met Robert Wallis in February and he wasn't thrilled with Loring Park, hopefully he will weigh in here and others will too. Paging Robert lol.
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