I am a director for the Space Coast Art Show which is held Thanksgiving Weekend in Cocoa Beach ,FL. We are juried and Give up to Fifty Thousand dollare in awards.
We are considering going to either ZAP or JAS. Can any one give me any input concernng either of these services. I do placement of the artists and have a concern for the time frame that has been suggested.
Chickie Arendas
My job is to place the artists in our show. So my biggest concern is the time frame concerning the artists accepting or declining our show. If we jury in the number to fill our spaces (250) and lets say 25 decline I must then go to a wait list and go through the process again. I also saw that the artists have 1 month to respond. At this t ime we do not do a wait list as this is THanksgiving Weekend and if not accepted the artists have made plans with family or something. (In the past we tried to wait list and it did not work)
All of this puts me in a position that we need to move our jury and the rest of the process up at least 1 month if not more.I put a lot of time in this, and really try to accomodate all the artists with requests as to spaces, location to food court and bands ETC.
I would like to thank everyone who has responded and I have found all the replys very interesting and helpful.
The time frames are one of the biggest things that bother artists. You could attract the best artists, and thus leapfrog to the top of the list of quality shows by going with your gut and sticking with your own time frames, especially deadlines.
Chickie, in addition to all the good info below, I spoke with Paul Fisher at Juried Art Services a day or so ago and he said he would be contacting you with more information about their services. Can you report back here about what your final decision is? I think other shows would be interested in your choice and the reasoning behind it.
I do have an appointmentat our office this Thursday to speak with someone at JAS. They have already given this presentation to some of the other directors, I just could not attend this as I own a business and had to work that day.
I will report back when we have made our decission.
Thank You Chickie
There was a similar discussion on this topic that you might find useful.
What I like about Zapp is the ability to search shows by month, select favorites, then search my favorites by deadline month. It helps me apply to the right shows in the right order.
I've never used JAS, but find Zap a good service. I also like Entry Thingy. From an artist's viewpoint, Zap is much easier than Entry Thingy for finding shows. Entry Thingy doesn't allow sorting by date, location, etc. I don't travel far for shows, so Zap's sorting features really help me.
Robin Ragsdale
I agree with this. I like entry thingy's Jury View and the ability to enter more information, such as a resume or artist statement and it somehow seems more personal. However, I find it frustrating to not be able to search by location (unless I'm missing something). In entry thingy I'm just presented with a list of shows, most of which I don't even know where they're at unless the location is in the title.