Connie, thanks for your friendly introduction to Art Fair Insiders. I've been painting for ages, but have only recently decided to start showing at art fairs. I'm overwhelmed with all the decisions I have to make- what kind of panels to buy, what type of canopy, which fairs. There are two fairs close to home the same weekend (Sept. 18th) and one costs $200 to get in, plus you have to show photos of your set up booth. The other fair only costs $40, so I'll do that one to get my feet wet.
It seems to me you could sink an awful lot of money into getting set up for these fairs. I'm hoping I'm making the right decision.
I'll be so anxious about buying the right equipment that I won't regret in subsequent shows.
I'm so glad to have found this site- should help a lot.
Good advice, Pat. Thanks!
Pat, there are two festivals the same weekend and I've decided to not attend the Doylestown Art Festival since I want to start with a much smaller one, the Pennridge Gallery of the Arts- so I won't be able to report back to you.
Thanks Annette! I appreciate your voice of experience.
Hi Michael, one is the Doylestown Arts Festival, and the other is the Pennridge Gallery of the Arts, in Sellersville. I think I'll start with the more modest one.