I know I posted about this in an earlier discussion but Id like to ask ONE MORE TIME:
Does Howard Alan allow BUY/SELL in his ACE shows??
If so, how does it affect the artists/crafters who do original work?
(Im still debating about doing a run of his shows in Florida in Jan).
Hi Michelle! I was thinking that you mentioned doing some of the ACE shows last year? I am trying to figure out if the Delray Beach craft show would be worthwhile that first weekend in Feb. We do reasonably priced brightly colored functional fused glass and this would possibly be our backup show if we need it. Have you heard anything? We are totally new to the FL scene...
Thanks so much Geri. :)
Also, I apologize to Geoff Coe. I misunderstood his take on the ACE shows. He was referrring to his out of season shows. The shows Im looking into are IN SEASON (Jan-Feb). Sorry about that Geoff:)
Michelle, why don't you call his office to find out? Art fair organizers love to hear from artists.
They do?
Yes -- there were some questions about a show last week and a long discussion. I emailed the info to the show people that I know and their answer was "thanks for this -- gee, I wish they would call us. We're an open book."
Especially, an easy question like this -- do you allow buy/sell - and certainly to the Howard Alan people. They'd have an answer. I definitely know that at the HA events they don't allow it and it is policed. I don't know about the ACE shows.
Just ask the show?
I seriously doubt any show that doesn't call itself a flea market is going to ADMIT to allowing buy/sell. Of course, many shows, despite their contractual responsibility not to do so, do in fact allow buy sell. Some don't know, some don't bother to know, and some know full well.
I did call and was told they do NOT accept buy/sell but Geoff Coe (a member here) and others have insisted that buy/sell is rampant at the ACE shows-- Not the Howard Alan Fine Art shows.
Michelle, there is a lot of b/s that gets past a lot of the promoters and juries. Same problem with production work.
Why are you going for ACE and not Howard's other shows?
Various reasons Geri. One is that my art isnt really considered 'fine'. (Although some of my customers say it is MIGHTY FINE!)
I once tried getting in the Howard Alan Art Festivals (long ago... over 6 yrs ago before I had my gallery and when I was doing shows). I was told I needed very LARGE pieces to display in the front of my booth. Most of my art is 8 x10 and 11 x 14 sized. The largest I do is 16 x 20 but lately I dont do many of that size. I prefer working small and that is my specialty.
I also hear the ACE shows are easier to get into at the last minute which works well for me, since I will be making my decision based upon my upcoming shows around here and how much income we need to add to our family.
I also sell my art rather well at art/craft type shows so I think it might be a good fit..
Should you change your mind, your work would fit in with the HA shows that I have been to.
As for b/s at any and all art festivals- information has been provided to promoters and directors time and time again and time and time again, these same artists are showing up at these festivals. Selling booth space is the priority, not the quality and veracity of the artists. Let's not kid ourselves