Elle Heilegstein wrote a post a few weeks ago for people to vent in.  And people vented, that is for sure.  Well, the topic of kids in the booth came up.  How do you handle other people's kids when they come into your booth?  What do you do so that you don't offend the parents but at the same time don't lose a piece of your art work?  If you have any handy ideas or tricks to share post them here.  We could all benefit from some advice on the subject.

If you want to check out Elle's venting post, click on the link below and let loose.


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  • I had a woman tap on my paintings with her long nails. I have more problems with adults.
  • You are funny Elle, I can't imagine you yelling get out a some kids in your booth.  I am sure there are many booths that a kid could really do some damage in if the parents didn't pay any attention to them.

  • Two words: GET OUT!!!! Just kidding......I usually don't have problems with kids at all. Once in a while a child will reach out to pick up or touch a piece and I just gently say, "lets look with our eyes only, dear." That usually does the trick!
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