
  • You can also upload photos to your personal space, using a special email address. Find it by going to your member page (do a search for yourself, click on your link). You are limited to 25 uploads a day.

  • If you're trying to post photos to the site, you are "uploading", not "downloading".

    If you want to post a photo in a discussion, like this one, for example, use the little tool bar at the top of the edit box. Put the insertion point in your text where you want the image to go.

    The second icon from the left is the image uploading tool. Click it, select a file from your hard drive, or from a URL (already hosted on a server), and enter the proper width (if you want to resize the image), the amount of "padding" (space around the images) and the orientation. If you choose "left", "center" or "Right", the text will wrap around the image within the reading area.


    The image uploader accepts JPG, GIF and PNG format images. 

    You can also upload images to your personal space, from the membership area, if you choose to add portfolio pictures. But adding images to a discussion or a blog post is the most useful. And the process is pretty much the same.

    Try to keep your source files under 1000 pixels on the widest dimension. Generally, a post handles an image up to about 525 pixels wide. If the image is vertical, you may want to downsize it from this dialog box. Clicking the image will still open a window with the full-size image in it.

    If you're still having issues, it may because you're trying to upload an image whose file format is not supported.

    Now back to my regularly scheduled programming...


    • Im really new at computers, I've been using picnik to resize. But what is JPG<GIF,a nPNG format.  I really have no idea what I'm doing.  Thank you for trying to help! 

      • JPG, GIF and PNG are all graphics formats. Pictures need to be saved in one of those formats in order to be rendered on a web page. Everything you see on the web is one of these formats, unless it's animated. Then it can be an animated GIF, Flash, or perhaps a movie format.

        Google the acronyms if you need more info on the file formats. There's a ton of info out there.

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