I am doing Mt Gretna for the first time. I sell hand bound books and mixed media collage (mostly paper up cycled from my book making) My category is paper. I sell the original collage framed and also just matted but I also make prints of them and sell those bagged with a backing board and also, smaller, on cards.
These rules concern me:
Only original paintings, photography and crafts by the accepted artist are eligible. Commercially mass-produced items including kit assembled or imported jewelry or hobby items of any kind are not eligible.
· Artists may not have a display ratio greater than 10 to 1 for offset lithograph reproductions to every original. The ratio refers to commercial reproductions and not to artist pulled prints.
I think the first one is the usual "you must have made this" but the reproduction rules concern me. I think I am confused by some of the terminology.
The prints are your reproductions however offset lithograph is a commercial type of printing. If you are printing your own or sending them out to be printed using a photo printer I don't believe it applies.
Thanks, ALison. That offset lithograph thing really threw me off.
It's not so intimidating as it sounds. Basically, they want to be sure that the work is yours. That your booth is mostly originals. The prints and cards are fine. You just can't have mostly prints. Don't worry. You're good.
Thanks, Rose :)
I think I'll go with your assessment. If they don't like it, I can always remove whatever offends. :) Thanks again.
I'm with you on #1. You are not showing commercially made goods. I've seen rule #2 before (and in fact inserted it in a show I used to run). Hard to enforce if they have a small staff, but basically we did not want people in the show that only had repros of their work with maybe six originals. Repros were fine, but not the purpose of being there for that show. It makes it too trinket-y.
So, look at your presentation. Is it primarily original work (no matter how packaged)? Is the majority of the work original? Are the repros confined to a bin or card rack?
Thanks Connie! Two walls are covered with framed work. There is a large flip bin with 11X14 original collage and a smaller flip bin with 8X10 originals that are not framed, just matted. I have a spinner of cards and a bin of repros. I also have a rack of handbound books. What do you think?
in like Flynn ... not a problem, I'd judge.
If you want to be really comfortable though, in case you are one of the worrying kind, I'd contact Linda Bell at Mt. Gretna and run it by her. And/or ask her to look at your website.