Wondering if anyone has done this show? I applied because AFSB said the show doubled it's sales last year. I did Boca Museum last year. Quality of exhibitors high, sales not too great (day of set-up a nightmare). Boca is a great market for my high end jewelry. Just wondering if it is worth the flight from Chicago. i have a place to stay but would not be grouping 2 shows together for this show. Advice?
I did it 3? years ago. I did do well but I did not sell a thing, a single thing, before 3PM on Sunday. Several people around me were breaking down in disgust. Make sure to keep your show face on until the end. I've also done the museum show and my sales were dismal ($300 for the weekend). The Hot Works show seemed to have more exhibitors with lower price points that the museum show. I don't think photography is well received at the museum show, the patrons seem to be looking for higher end stuff. Then again, the year I did the museum show was the same year Bernie Maddoff was exposed and I think he hit residents of Boca pretty hard.
I did the Boca show two years ago (I think the same year that Alison did) and I agree with everything she said, including the sales total. You probably would do best to directly contact a high end jeweler (I'm a photographer, like Alison) but for my 2 cents: I would not come to Florida from Chicago for a single show.