
  • You need to be juried in the Art Council of New Orleans to do it. Once you are juried in the booth fee is $100 if you joined the Arts Council and $125 if you just get juried in to do the market.

    I did it last weekend and the crowds were small and after it rained around 1pm it was empty. They ended the show early because of more anticipated rain. Since I have only done it once I cannot give an overall opinion of sales and buying.

    It is a 10am-4pm art market and on their website you are call a vendor and not an artist.

    The market director just left and they are looking for someone else to run it.

    • I believe this event is something that a couple of my friends do.  They do it regularly.  Rain is almost a daily factor in south Louisiana.  We just learn to deal with it, it's kind of like living in Florida.

      • Rain...If only the crowds could deal with it...we have to be there but unfortunately the crowds leave

    • Thank you for the reply. I've been juried in but have had other show the same weekends but plan on doing it this month.
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