Got called off the wait list for Gold coast, wanted to know what peoples thoughts were on this show. I know there are many mixed opinions of Amdur Productions. I have been reading up on the past couple years, seems like 2010 was a bomb, but 2011 was better. I see that they cut back artists from 450 to 350, I know one of the complaints was too many artists and inconsistent quality.
If you did the show in 2011 do you plan on going back this year? What are your expectations?
I probably don't need this show, I can do others if need be. The booth fee is high and setup sounds like a pain, so I want to make sure it is a good show to do.
I do art pottery in the $60-500 range that has a contemporary/modern appeal.
any word if there was any storm damage..was watching weather yesterday and was concerned...?
I was walking through the show to check it out and was near a friend's booth when the sky turned scary. I helped him close up and waited it out. Basically forced everyone to shut down for about half an hour and then it was over. I didn't see any damage as I walked the rest of the show.
So Amy,how was the show? How were sales? How were the crowds? Did you buy any wooden watches?
Saw the watch guys in a single booth. There were candles in jars, huge yard butterflies in bright colors and at least 3 jewelers that were highly suspect - and I only ended up making it through half the show! Between the storm and meeting up with a friend I never made it down some of the rows. The layout is weird, very easy to miss pathways which I realized I was missing.
The crowd was pretty dense and I did see some 2D work in bags but there were more tourists than buyers. A big annoyance was that one side of the path had booths up to the concrete, but the other side the booths were set back about 6'. That 6' gap was wet, muddy grass. I think the booths closer to the concrete had a definite advantage.
Based on feedback from some the artists I know, as well as some that I met that day, the sales were not particularly good, and I was there mid afternoon on Sunday. The artists had many complaints including the fact that all the first year artists were stuck in the area furthest from the food and main entrance. There was a lot of talk of the politics of the show, I'll leave it at that.
Wait... Am I reading this correctly? You said there were jar candles, yard "sh*t-on-a-stick" and suspect jewelry at Gold Coast? Wow... The suspect jewelry part I get, as that has always been the case but the other stuff just shows that when you are a promoter and need booth fees, high or not, you'll put stuff in there to cover your bottom line. I've heard this has been happening at a lot of shows this summer as it appears there are a lot of artists not willing to depart with $895 (or whatever the fees were...) so easily this season. Hmm...
Just goes to show you that the jurors don't know what the difference is between art and fine craft and just low end craft...This is the
Ooh baby, are we afraid of offending big bad Amy and her over-priced booth fees. You people are nuts to do that show. Very little return for the effort. That's right Amy--it is spelled Nels Johnson. You guys are such a bunch of little chicken-littles, afraid you are going to ruffle some feathers and never get back into the show again. Get some gumption, fast. Nels.
Nels, I would happily repeat what I they told me, but at that point it would be gossip because I didn't witness it. If I ever do one of her shows I will be happy to report facts. My schedule has worked out so I haven't applied to her shows recently.
Nels, I am sorry there isn't a "love" button on this website.
Here is some news--Amy is promoting a show in South Florida this November.
See you at Krasl.
Just what Florida needs, another show promoter.