3 full width and one 3 foot mesh panel with stabars, all poles, eave members and tees needed. They are sheerly grey and include all hooks. They were used ONLY ONCE and the original invoice and description is included in the attatchement. For more info go to the Creative Energies website.
Paid new:$993.
Price: $500.
I can ship from Maine anywhere in the US and you will be charged the actual shiping cost.
John Begin
John, Im looking for mesh sides for my craft hut tent, which is like a trimline tent. Would these panels fit? Im only interested in the exterior panels,
I interested in the Mesh panels. Are still for sale
Yes. Give me a call or text
(404) 931-7090
I'm interested but have a question. Please contact me at ilyas.atl@gmail.com or 404-931-7090
Will this work for an EZ up canopy?
Yes, I used a 10’ x 10’ easy up. Perfect fit.
John, Im looking for mesh sides for my craft hut tent, which is like a trimline tent. Would these panels fit? Im only interested in the exterior panels,